Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Whats Happening

I've realized I've been pretty terrible in actually saying what's been going on aside from the few things that i specifically mentioned so far.  So lets see, starting at the house...
  • We've made some new picnic tables.  I planned them out and got some people to help out.  Just yesterday we finished putting together the octagonal one which is sweet.
  • Eradicated all the mistflower here, which is a foreign weed.
  • Planted flax.
  • Made a new garden
  • Set up the Extreme Hammock!
  • Built a wood box and filled it up
  • cleaned out and organized all the crap under the house
  • Shoveled out a pile of dirt left here and added it to the dam on the land
  • Cleaned out and reorganized the garage
  • Setup a tree nursery to grow native trees until they are big enough to plant on the land.
  • Turned the house that we just moved in into a home.
Then on the land we've done a whole lot as well:
  • Clean crap out of the river from the flood a couple months ago.  (like a once in 50 years type of flood, it is amazing to find doors and picnic tables about 2 kilometers away from where they started)
  • Make a new garden and plant loads of veggies.
  • Make pumpkin heaps.
  • Put up a chicken house and fix up the chicken run.
  • Release and mulch hundreds of trees
  • Harvest flax and plan more on the land
  • Dig up pohutacawa trees off the side of the road for the tree nursery
  • Bash wooly nightshade, another weed from europe.
  • Make shelving and clean out the containers on the land
  • General clean up around the land.
  • We've also set up a fishing net and caught and filleted a whole bunch of fish.  We made a smoker out of an old gutted stove and smoked thie fish which was quite tasty.
Then we also have a bunch of rec trips mixed in here.  Much of these I've mentioned already, but here's another list:
  • Today we went horseback riding and hung out on the beach.
  • Seakayaking to the Gannett Island, and a couple other mini trips
  • Loads of snorkeling
  • Whitewater rafting on the road trip south with additional picnics and beaches
  • A couple forest walks out the back of the property
  •  Bonfires, making american and kiwi smores.  (the kiwis dont know what they are doing, Bonesaw was right, you need to bring your own marshmellows)
  • Gnome treasure hunt!  Jon and I set up a rope follow and got the volunteers to follow it all over the place while blindfolded.  It was hilarious, especially messing with them, muahaha.
  • Then this saturday we are leaving for an Epic Trip! of 5 days of seakayaking on a lake and camping and hiking.  Dont know where yet...  also on the way there some of us are going paintballing.
We've also had one or two free days each week to just chill and enjoy the beauty here.  Read, play games, nap in the extreme hammock, use the interwebs (like right now!) are some of the stuff we do on these days.  So here you go, this is whats been happening.

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